The Children of Time (The Children of Time Trilogy Book 1) Read online

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  “Wow! Didn’t I tell you could? After using this force several times, you’ll able to master it, and this will make part of your life and will help you to defend the dangers that are about to come.”

  The boy felt stronger. He understood that something quite extraordinary happened in his life and he’d have to learn to live with his new powers.


  Life in New York was quiet and they had to be very discreet not to reveal their position. Sivoc met the crew of the ship, including Nicolas, who the captain already saw as part of his team. The confrontation with Merko should be imminent they had to discuss the strategy. Would a confrontation be better?

  “What is it, Commander?” Tibor asked.

  “I received a message from our planet telling me that Merko already has information about our location. I believe that there’s no other way to deal with his team but face them, they always managed to get to their targets.” Sivoc replied.

  “I’m sure we can fight against them, I’m going to prepare the earthling to defend himself and we all have knowledge of self-defense.” Tibor said.

  “I still think we’d better try to escape, because this fight is dangerous and we can all die. Maybe we can hide ourselves; we’ll have enough time until the day of our trip back home.” Zara said.

  “I’ll try to find out whatever I can about the location of Merko’s ship.” Drako interrupted. “Things seem to be more difficult for us. Kenan said that probably there is a traitor among them, he discovered that someone managed to intercept our communications with the planet Vida.”

  “I think the best thing to do now would be to teleport ourselves to Science II, where the communication and tracking equipment is being kept. We need to contact Kenan once again and this will only be possible from there.”

  “Good point, Drako. I think this is the best option at the moment. Let’s all go to the ship, so no one will be caught off guard or alone here.” Sivoc agreed.

  “Nicolas, this is a good opportunity for you to transform yourself for the first time. You need to adapt to the new extraterrestrial form that you’ll use on the planet Vida. You’ll have to live like everyone else.” Zara said.

  So, they all positioned their glasses, synchronized their clocks and returned to the ship. Nicolas also had to put his transmutation glasses, which he had won from his extraterrestrial friends, right after the surgery. He felt as if he was one of them. He didn’t quite understand why, but he acquired a great fondness with them.”

  He looked through the window that reflected his forms and noticed that his large eyes had more lateral field of vision. His big brain seemed disproportionate to the rest of the body. He raised his hand and saw the three fingers that now he possessed. He stuck his tongue out and noticed it was small, suited to its oral cavity. Now he was the one who was transformed, so he got scared and wondered if he would be able to get back to his human form. He put his fingers over the nostrils, which were only two small holes.

  “Where are my ears? And what if the others disappear and leave me here with this form? How will I live my life like this?” He wondered.

  Although a few weeks have passed since his operation, Nicolas hadn’t seen his new form yet. He was appalled and amazed at the same time. He never thought that he could go through so many experiences and adventures in his life at the same time. Discovering life on other planets, state-of-the-art technologies and explanations about the evolution of mankind. He imagined that when he arrived at the planet Vida, he would certainly discover more things.


  Meanwhile, on the planet Vida, the King Zador II thought of his daughter and wanted some news about the search of the earthling on the planet Earth. He really trusted in Kenan, one of his counselors who were the son of a close friend of his father. Kenan had great confidence in Sivoc, because of his missions, always putting the value the life factor.

  Kenan, as per the King request decided to contact the Science II ship. At that time, all of them were already inside the ship when a red light in the holographic screen started flashing, accompanied by an intermittent beep. It was the advisor appearing on the screen.”

  “Someone answer please.” He said.

  “Listening, Lord Kenan.” Drako answered.

  “Did you find the earthling?”

  “Yes, sir. He’s under our care.” Sivoc said. “We’re waiting for the next space-time gap that should occur very soon.”

  “Watch out for Merko’s team. They must be close. I hope you can accomplish the mission without problems. King Zador told me that he’s hoping for the success of your team.” Kenan replied.


  Immediately Radof took the communications interceptor device to his master and they discovered the location. Within minutes, they identified exactly where the signal came from.

  Mirov contacted Merko informing the news about Sivoc’s ship.

  Merko’s intention was to capture the earthling, kidnapping him. And freeze the crew of Science II inside their ship. They would be back to the planet Vida one year after the success of the mission of Challenge I. So, they wouldn’t create problems.

  The danger was coming closer!


  Once they finished the contact with Kenan, the crew of Science II returned to New York.

  Still gathered, they discussed all the possibilities and decided that the best alternative was to remain hidden. Without detection they tried to continue the life they had in that great city. For safety, they left a recording system activated to protect them from a possible sabotage, if Merko found Science II. Little Wolf, the robot-dog was also on the ship to defend it from possible intruders.

  One day, Drako went to a lottery and hit the jackpot and earned a good fortune. A few days later, he went to the bank to receive it and distributed money to his friends. Everyone needed some money to survive in the planet. Sivoc, noticing what he had done, decided to question him while the others listened with attention:

  “Where did you get so much money, Drako?”

  “Sir, I researched in the past database the winning numbers from the day before yesterday and use them. I thought we could use the money to survive here in this planet. Everything here has a price.”

  “I believe your intentions were good, because you wanted to help us in our mission. But I don’t think that a competitive advantage over the others participants of the betting is fair. You must return what you won.”

  They all were surprised, and Tibor was already looking at his beautiful watch, which he bought at a store on 5th Avenue. They were embarrassed by the order of their master and in fact they knew nothing about the origin of the amounts distributed by Drako.

  “But, sir! I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “You know that our principles about acquiring things by dishonest means. Return what you won to its real owners.”

  Zara decided to intercede:

  “Commander, it’d be better if he distributed what’s left of the amount to charity organizations, it would be difficult to explain to the lottery why he was returning the award. They could find it strange and inform the press, which would cause us a big problem. We can split a small amount for our survival here on this planet just what is necessary to fulfill our mission. If we make copies of their currency would also be a questionable mean of acquiring resources. Tomorrow we should make a deposit for an institution that supports abandoned children or a Non-governmental organization that works with refugees from wars.

  “Sir, I agree with Zara,” since our mission has to be discreet, distributing the proceeds for the people who needed will be the best solution, and no one will know where the resources came from. We just need to know the bank account of the NGO.” Nicolas said.

  “Okay. I think it’s the best decision. Do like they said, Drako. Search in the database files, which institutions are in need of financial help and their respective bank accounts. However, I don’t want you to take this kind of decision again without consulting me first.”
r />   Tibor looked at his beautiful watch and, embarrassed, asked:

  “Sir, how will I be able to return this watch?”

  “Fine. You can have this one. I wouldn’t know what to do with it. Honestly, Tibor, our teleportation watches are much more beautiful.” Sivoc replied and continued, smiling. “Besides, isn’t it heavy for your arm to use two watches?”

  Tibor was quiet and hid one arm behind his back with half a smile in his face.


  Nicolas wanted to be active while they waited for the day to travel to planet Vida.

  Reluctantly, Sivoc allowed him to find an activity. However, he was quite firm in the need for him to be discreet and to keep away from problems, to do not catch the attention especially of his enemies. This was even more critical now that they knew about the boy’s telekinetic powers, which needed to be controlled at all costs.

  Nicolas began working as an intern in the Laboratory of Technology Research in Gravitational Physics. He couldn’t stay away from physics, which, professionally, was what he loved the most. Working as an intern he could see the researches without disobeying the orders of the commander.

  On his first day of work, using the fake name of Carlos Miguelito, and ID prepared by Drako, he was cleaning one of the labs and listened with attention to the explanations of the professor of Quantum Physics, who was showing the trainees the gravitational fields of the Relativity Theory. He imagined himself as a college student asking the teacher about the evolution and the possible reaction to think that the human being would evolve into what society considered as an alien. For a few moments he stared at the board, traveling in his own thoughts:

  He imagined himself attending the class when he decided to ask:

  “Professor, have you ever wondered how would it be if the man evolved following the tendency of the brain enlargement of primates from which we descend? And the atrophy of the dental arches by changing our eating habits, reduction of the size of the fingers for the use of robotics? Absence of nails by the loss of the claw function?”

  “What do you mean, boy? Carlos Miguelito, right?” The teacher said: “Go ahead, I want to hear what you have to say.”

  “Yes, sir.” Nicolas replied. “What if, crossing the warp space-time-gravity, we could go back to the past using the modern ships, with discoid shape, to travel the universe in all directions? Have you ever imagined that flying plates can be piloted by evolved humans from the future?”

  “My young boy, this is impossible. You must be joking”. The professor replied smiling.

  He continued to laugh for a few seconds and said:

  “You have a very fertile imagination. Imagine if aliens were ourselves, the human beings? This is crazy.”

  He returned to reality, grabbed his broom and continued to clean the lab. Deep inside he wondered:

  “A few days ago I would agree with you. This is good, the secret of my friends are safe.”

  – IX. The Alpha-Omega Team –

  At one night, everyone was watching television. The Anchor of the TV news was talking about the episode that happened at the Multinational Space Station:

  “A few days ago, the radar of the Multinational Space Station recorded the presence of an UFO near our planet. Later another unknown ship also invaded our airspace leaving all countries on alert. The worldwide intelligence agencies are investigating the case.”

  “That episode occurred with the detection of our presence. We must avoid any situation that may expose us.” Sivoc declared.

  Zara spoke again about the episode in the park:

  “Commander, I’m still afraid about that day when Nicolas and I were walking in the Central Park and the gang attacked us. Don’t you think that the event will draw attention? Maybe someone saw what happened.”

  “Not even on our planet, with all the psychic evolution is easy to find someone who has the ability to use telekinesis. They say that only the commander Merko owns such power. It seems that his mind can emit electromagnetic waves capable of modifying the gravitational field around the objects and even to manipulate the energies contained in the molecules of the environment.” Sivoc affirmed. “What happened can put our mission at risk. In this case, you acted in self-defense. This power, maybe it was caused because of the implantation of the chip we performed in the boy. However, this situation is fantastic. You are right this can attract agents that capture aliens in this planet. Imagine if they put their hands in our ship, laser guns, sunglasses, transformation and teleportation watches... Logically, they will use reverse engineering to advance technologically.”


  But it was too late. The Alpha-Omega government team, specialized in extraterrestrial affairs, had moved to the center of space control. A couple of agents were in charge of the case, Collin Netil and Ann Soliver.

  They talked about the fact that was leaked to the entire press:

  “Agent Netil, some aspects surprise me in this case. Why two ships would appear in the space within a few days? Are they still here on Earth?”

  “We’ll request a report of all occurrences to the FBI and ask for information from the governments of other countries. Ann, I believe we have a great case of alien presence to investigate. Imagine if we can put our hands on these extraterrestrials equipment and capture some specimens to study?”

  The team members decided to make a report about what had happened. Besides studying the cases of extraterrestrial appearances on the planet, one of the major purposes of the organization was to capture the visitors, make biological researches on them and possibly analyze and assimilate their technologies with the intention of acquiring scientific and military knowledge.

  “Where are their ships? Are they already infiltrated among us? We need to map the entire planet and use all available radar systems to locate them. We have so many doubts about this case.” Agent Soliver said.

  As soon as they requested the police reports, which showed abnormal happenings, they received information about the incident in Central Park and the unusual way his tormentors hanged them on a tree. The men reported in testimony that a couple made them levitate as well as their weapons and escaped. When the Agent Collin Netil received the email, he immediately ordered:

  “Get the experts to make a total scan at the scene. We’ll record all the testimonies and make a throughout survey. Check if there were cameras in the area. Our chief will love this case.”

  When they reached the place, a team of the federal police investigators was already working on the case. Thompson, from the FBI, went to Agent Netil and to Agent Soliver and said:

  “Who are you and how did you enter into a restricted area of investigation?”

  Collin showed his badge:




  “Never heard of such agents in our government! I’ll call the Federal Bureau of investigation. Wait a minute, please.”

  Immediately he called and confirmed that this organization was directly tied to the General Staff of the National Security Forces, of course he allowed their presence onto their investigations.

  The agents finished the report and took it to the chief who was anxiously waiting for some relevant information. He was an old man, about 67 years old, with a mustache and gray hair, calm and with a rough voice. He was already retired, but still worked and was passionate about such issues. Because of his experience, the government allowed him to continue accompanying this type of case. It was a strategic advantage. His name was Ronald Steighen. He was intimately familiar with issues related to his agency, he had already captured and studied several alien specimens and to work there was his greatest pleasure.

  “Sir, here is the report with our primary conclusions about the case.” Collin said.

  “This ET wants to become a warrior of justice to confront criminals. If we’re lucky, he’ll appear again. And his will to do justice will be its Achilles’ heel, the weakness which will make us c
atch him.” Ann pronounced.

  Ronald looked at the report and analyzed each sentence:

  “This is not a specimen easy to be caught. It is well trained and knows how to use his weapons. He raised his victims into the air with ease. Create a profile of our ET. Let’s wait for his movements and identify him; we need to study his area of expertise, physical space, modus operandi, relationships and weaknesses. We know that they can turn into human beings like us. I already found one of them more than twenty years ago. He had this power to move objects. Is he back?”

  “Chief, I’d like you to tell us this story. It may be relevant in this case.”

  “I’ll tell it at another time. He nearly destroyed an entire military base and even managed to escape. I don’t like to talk about it. You’ll have to use intelligence and surprise factor. They are made of flesh and blood. We’ve already managed to capture and take some of them to the military base in Arizona. In another occasion I’ll tell all the details, but now we don’t have time. We need to capture them. I want a report about the investigations.”

  “Chief, there were no cameras in the crime scene. We only have testimonies of people who saw the action and they are defending the alien.” Colin reported.

  Make a sketch and place it in all the police stations as national security priority. Surely we’ll catch him.” Ronald spoke, punching the table.

  “Agent Soliver, scan the blocks near the place and put undercover agents at strategic points. I want to know every detail related to this case, did you hear? Anything! One more thing: Use these special infrared glasses, because when they are transmuted into terrestrial form, they emit radiation that can be perceived with the use of these optical devices.”


  The building of the newspaper “The Los Angeles’ Voice was located only two blocks ahead from where the Alfa-Omega was based. The chief editor, Albert Dither, was walking from one side to the other, waiting for his best journalist to return from the reporting about the case of the gang in New York, who had been levitated in a tree by an unknown couple.