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The Children of Time (The Children of Time Trilogy Book 1) Page 5

  The glasses were black and he kept them carefully in his pocket, anxiously waiting to use them. The boy began to realize that he knew the mechanism of functioning of all the things that he looked at and touched. His mind had become faster. In the first moments he seemed a little confused, and didn’t understand what the others were saying.

  He stopped, fixed his eyes on the things and scrutinized their contents and then he came back to be himself. He smiled and felt the power that the knowledge provided to him. Now it was time to return to the social world and prepare him for the difficult days that were about to come.

  Zara put her hand on Nicolas’ right hand. He took him to the front of the ship and tried to help him:

  “Don’t worry about so many changes, Nick. I will stand by your side to help you to. Better than to know how to fight is the knowledge that can help you find solutions to unusual problems.”

  Tibor also gave Nicolas a watch that was able to teleport him directly to the ship or any other place on Earth. A blue selector of light indicated the ship and the selected the latitude and longitude of the place coordinates. After the first transport, the instrument created a memory that was subsequently selected with a single touch.

  Then, Tibor began to train him expecting some possible problems facing the commander Merko and his staff, experts in many fights.


  – VI. The Almost Ordinary Life

  in New York –

  The aliens from Science II continued to plan how to hide until the day they would return to their planet. Sivoc knew that Merko would find their ship and, therefore, together with the team he decided that it would be safer to leave the ship and just move to New York, a city with a large number of inhabitants. They were trying to hide among so many people.

  Sivoc rented an apartment next to Madison Square Garden, on 8th Avenue, and the four aliens decided to wait there, together with the earthling, for the right moment to teleport themselves to the ship and make the journey back home. The commandant asked everyone to go out as little as possible. Drako entered the terrestrial identification systems, and they all received new identities.


  At night, on a Friday, Zara and Nicolas went to the movies. In the sky, a full moon created an atmosphere and made them even closer. He saw only her beauty that attracted him from the first time, and he didn’t want to think that soon things could change. The two of them were walking through the Central Park when Zara held his hand and said:

  “Nicolas, I don’t know if we should have a relationship like this.”

  “But, Zara, nothing matters more to me than being by your side, here or anywhere.”

  And soon he touched her lips, kissing her and tasting all the honey that came from her mouth. The trees around them covered the path with the leaves that autumn left, and the fresh air was the best he had ever breathed.

  They decided to watch a romantic movie, since Zara never saw that like humans on Earth. On the planet Vida everything was planned and artificial compared to the kind of life she was experiencing.

  When the movie finished, they returned to the apartment. Zara was worried about the commander’s reaction but the desire was stronger. She remembered the times they met the hut and her need to be near him. Besides, Sivoc, Drako and Tibor were at the city, and that was the perfect opportunity for the two them to stay together.

  Nicolas prepared a plate with many and took to Zara’s bed in a cozy room in the apartment. He also opened a bottle of red wine and served it to his beloved one. Before eating, he touched her red hair and kissed her, feeling the heat of her body.

  “You like to feel different flavors at the same time.” Zara teased.

  “Despite the divine taste of this wine, I still prefer the taste of the honey in your mouth.” Nicolas whispered.

  He lay down beside her and touched the white skin of her shoulders. He kissed her neck removing, with his fingers, the soft hair from her blue eyes. He kissed her full lips and looked at her briefly, like a male hypnotizes his female.

  Zara’s movements showed her sensuality and fragility. Nicolas put aside his shyness and feeling once again the scent of jasmine; he pulled the strap of her lilac blouse and undressed her. For few times in his life he felt excited and absolutely happy.

  Zara also reached her release felt a thrill that this time everything was different. She didn’t have to stop, because she felt pleasure and comfort with a sense of reward for being next to him. They smiled and lived one of the happiest nights of their lives.

  “I love you!” She confessed, whispering in his ear.

  “I want to live my life beside you. I love you too.”

  After making love without feeling thinking about the time, Zara lay down over Nicolas, and they slept embraced throughout the entire night.


  Meanwhile, the three aliens walked through the city streets. At night, there were many open bars and they decided to go into one of them. A neon light at the entrance announced the name of the bar: Night Drink Bar.

  Sivoc wore jeans and brown leather coat. Tibor and Drako wore black leather jackets. When they entered the bar, all the customers looked at them because they were tall and handsome. It didn’t took long until three pretty women sat at the table with them:

  “Can we join you?” One of them asked.

  “As you wish.” Drako said, smiling.

  “You are outsiders, aren’t you? You act different from the people that live here in town.” Said the nicest of the three women, Sonja.

  “We came from a land very far away. We’re just stopping by.” Sivoc said.

  “If you want, we can show you the most beautiful places here.” Sonja replied.

  Tibor took a double shot of whiskey in a single gulp. Drako did the same and told the others:

  “Wow! This drink is really good. I’ll ask have another one.”

  “Take it easy. We can’t be distracted because Merko may appear at any moment. Don’t forget we are on a mission.” Sivoc also replied using telepathy.

  The three men from the planet Vida continued to have fun that night and dated the women. The music was pleasant and they decided to enjoy that evening at the bar. Drako and Tibor were distracted and relaxed, impressed by how the humans of that time were able to have fun. Sivoc also enjoyed the night, but remained very alert.


  Nicolas was training with Tibor all kinds of fights daily. Although he had the theories in his mind, he also needed to train his body and acquire physical fitness, to harmonize his body and learn how to dominate his inner energy. They attended a Martial Arts Academy on the 5th Avenue every morning.

  From the first exercises, in a few days he already showed a good physical performance and managed to practice his teachings with others at the gym.

  One day, one the teachers named Alex, who since the beginning had shown some animosity towards Nick called him for a fight, and he was unable to resist the invitation. Tibor didn’t interrupt, because he thought his student needed to be tested.

  The teacher hit him, but the boy began to feel that he knew which places to hit in the opponent’s body and didn’t hesitate. Alex was very good with his legs and arms and defended himself very well. The fight was difficult, and Nicolas thought about how he could knock him down. Without hesitation, he grabbed the arms of his opponent, and using the boost of his strength threw him to the ground. Soon, he jumped to immobilize him and hugged his neck to perform an arm lock, naked choke and managed to finish the blow.

  That was when Alex quickly hit his leg three times, giving up the fight. So, Nicolas apologized and offered his hand to lift him up.

  “Yeah, master Tibor, your student learns fast and is using the right arm and the arm lock very easily, very good.” Said the astonished teacher.

  After noticing that the earthling was very advanced in the techniques, Tibor decided to take him to a desert place for them to practice in harsh environment using the best weapons they possessed.

om that day, the two pressed their watches and teleported themselves to a deserted place in the Grand Canyon, in the state of Arizona. They trained in the gym and then went to the desert every day.

  Tibor taught him how to use weapons and a spear, which was formed from some kind of pen that was unfolded, with two ends of the laser beams.

  There was a laser pistol and a ring of sound waves that was used to unbalance the opponent, and also a baton that released cosmic rays towards its targets. These were very powerful weapons.

  The essence of Tibor’s training was to show his student that the most important thing in the art of combat training was to maintain the honor, character and selflessness.

  – VII. The Danger is Near –

  Nicolas and Zara took a Saturday afternoon off and went for a in the Central Park. At this day, several famous actors were preparing to perform in a play outdoors. It was a normal thing for the New Yorkers and tourists to wait in queues for hours to watch the show. As they walked hand in hand, he looked at Zara and suggested:

  “What if we watched this play? The author is a famous English writer of the sixteenth century, William Shakespeare.”

  “I loved the idea.” Zara replied.

  “But we have to wait in this long line because I heard someone saying that people got here early in the morning.”

  “No problem. In your company I don’t notice the changes on the clock. I’ll let Sivoc know that we’ll arrive a little later tonight.”

  Zara got in touch with the commander so he wouldn’t be worried and explained they would watch a play at the park. Sivoc asked them to be careful and avoid any kind of problem.

  The couple stood in line with the people who waited anxiously for the start of the event, in an open-air amphitheater, in the middle of the park that had become a local tradition. Nicolas bought ice cream for the two of them, and they spend the nice moments together.

  They watched the play and after the show, were walking quietly, when Zara said:

  “Nick, we need to go back. It’s very late.”

  Nicolas loved when she called him Nick; he thought that it was a loving way of Zara calling him.

  “Are you okay, Zara?”

  “Not so much. I feel a little weird, but I believe I’ll get better.” She said, closing her eyes and breathing a little deeper. “Even dominating the anxiety crisis, the consequences aren’t easy to control. I’m also not feeling very well probably because of the pregnancy.”

  He looked deeply at her with such tenderness, although he was concerned about her condition. In fact, he wanted to protect her in every way. His hand was on hers, rubbing with his thumb on her hand. She seemed to be a strong woman, but she was fragile and he wanted to take care of her. The hours passed while they were together and it was already dark. Suddenly, three men approached them and one of them said:

  “Two lovebirds lost in the park, what a beautiful couple you make. Give us all your money now, without hesitation.”

  “Do not worry, Zara.” Nicolas said. “It’s okay.”

  “Now! We’re not joking, be fast.” The other boy said, pointing a gun to them.

  Zara held Nicola’s hand and began to sweat. Her forehead was wet and her fingers throbbed. She felt her heart beating fast and swallowed hard.

  This time it was difficult to stop the symptoms with her mental strength.

  Nicolas looked at the boy in front of him, with anger, and soon his gun began to levitate. The same happened with the weapons of the others, which were threw more than ten meters away. Then the three men began to be raised off the ground. The boy watched and lifted them up, leaving them scared and screaming. They were thrown up to the top of twenty-five meters tree, near the bridge. They stood there hanging like fruits. Zara slowly returned to normal, and then Nick said:

  “What was that? I’m really scared! How did you manage to pull those men as if they were feathers so high in the trees?”

  “It wasn’t me. I’d never be able to do this. I think you’re the one who did it!” Zara replied. “Let’s run, Nick, we can’t be seen. We need to get out of here fast. There is a subway entrance right ahead where we can hide and teleport ourselves to home.”

  Then, they arrived at the apartment. Zara was impressed with what she saw, because basically no one in her planet had the power of telekinesis. She only knew one person who could do that: Merko. Almost everyone knew how to use telepathy, but telekinesis was a very special skill. She heard on planet Vida that Merko was able to move objects and throw them against his opponents.

  Some reported that he could canalize the cosmic radiation and launch powerful rays with his hands, disintegrating his enemies. Besides, he had the ability to control the force of gravity. He had become a legend in his planet.

  In the comfort of the apartment, the boy continued to talk about how they escaped from the three men:

  “You said you believe it was me who did that. How could I? What kind of power is that?”

  “It’s telekinesis. The power to dominate the gravitational forces.”

  “Zara, you must have this power, and you can only use it in moments of high emotional tension or anger.”

  “No, Nick. It was you. Somehow you developed this ability. I know only one person on my planet that can do this and everyone fears him. Later we’ll have to understand this better. For me, it would be impossible to believe if I didn’t see with my own eyes. You will have to control this power, because it’s very dangerous.”

  “Who has this power?”

  “Merko, the man who’s looking for you. Do you understand now why we are so concerned about his arrival and the consequences for all of us?”

  The boy nodded. He was afraid because he didn’t understand the reason of his power and how he managed to use it so effectively. He was tired and looking at the doctor, he said:

  “I’m feeling exhausted.”

  “Please go rest, we need to relax, especially you. The telekinesis requires a lot of energy, even more from someone untrained like you.” Zara explained.


  Nicolas went to his room planning to sleep, although it was still a little early. Using telekinesis really had used all of his strength.

  Already in bed, he thought for a few moments about how much he missed his mother Lorena and his sister Sophia and he started to cry. “How will I be able to stay away from them? How long will it take until I can go back home? I miss my family. I wish I could get in touch to say that I’m okay, but I know it would only expose them to danger. Sivoc’s right, it’s better to leave them without news. I just hope they’re not suffering too much.” These and other reflections, about the family he had to leave behind, tormented him while he fell into a deep sleep.


  Zara looked at Nicolas for a moment when he was sleeping. She wondered what had happened during their walk and decided to tell her friends, who were resting in the living room. After reporting the fact to Sivoc, Drako and Tibor, the last one said:

  “Sure this ability is incredible, and the implant of the chips can’t be the source of this power.”

  “But what’s the explanation for this?” Sivoc asked. “Drako, you’re the specialist in Information Systems, would you know how to answer me?”

  “I don’t know anything about telekinesis. I just heard the stories about Merko’s power, as everyone in the planet. I’ve never seen how it works and, for me, it was a legend.” Drako said.

  “Anyway, even not knowing the origin of such force, we need to train the earthling. I’ll help him to channel this power and use it as best as possible without losing so much energy.”

  Everyone agreed with Tibor’s words, and Zara was glad, because with the good use of this power, he could defend himself better. Thus, she decided to tell the news about his new training when Nicolas woke up.

  VIII. Nicolas’ Extraterrestrial Shape

  When he woke up, Zara told him about the necessity to learn how to use his new power. He agreed and Tibor started training h
im on the same day in the desert, where they went daily for heavier workouts with laser guns. Tibor asked him to move a large stone that was positioned on top of a mountain.

  “Nicolas, you are able to use the cosmic energies released on the planet by the stars and channel them into your body. Concentrate on this strength and have faith in your power. Let this energy flow through your guts and throw your hands against the object you want to move or destroy.”

  The boy did exactly what he said, focusing his mind on the stone and trying to pull the energy of the Cosmos. Although he felt a strong shaking inside his body that spread throughout his blood stream, nothing different happened.

  “I can’t do that again. I wasn’t the one who did it.”

  “Concentrate yourself and believe you’re capable. You’ll do it if you want.” Tibor replied.

  However, the boy couldn’t do it and he wanted to give up. His instructor insisted that it was possible and also knew that believing was the principle of any mental strength. He insisted so much that Nicolas looked at him with anger and blurted:

  “There’s no use in stay here trying. You’re asking too much from me, when the truth is that my life changed and I don’t know if this is what I want. I want to go back to my normal life! You’re all crazy to believe that I am able to move objects.”

  “Now, look again at that stone and move it.” Tibor ordered, taking advantage of the opportunity of the release of the anger he just provided.

  The boy looked at the stone with three meters of diameter and felt the energy circle through his body. The object began to rise from the mountain, when he raised his left hand. The stone seemed to be made of Styrofoam and with his right hand, Nicolas released a cosmic blue beam in the direction of the stone and smashed it into pieces.