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The Children of Time (The Children of Time Trilogy Book 1) Page 12

  “Okay, Zara. I’ll be back to pick you up as soon as you receive the king’s permission for the visit. Tibor, I ask you to wait here as well, because I will put you as Nicolas’ bodyguard as soon as possible. The others are dismissed.”

  Everyone nodded while Kenan quickly returned to the palace.


  After dinner, Kenan approached the king and discreetly asked permission to take the earthling to meet Zara.

  “I’m glad they all came back fine. No doubt you have my permission. However, I ask that everyone should be getting ready for the big day tomorrow. Will Zara attend the surgery?” Asked the king.

  “No, your majesty. She is very tired because of the mission and needs to recover. However, I ask permission for Tibor to integrate Nicolas’ security team. He is a man full I trust completely and I believe it is necessary.” Kenan said.

  “Certainly, Counselor Kenan. I allow Tibor to integrate Nicolas’ security team. Ask him to accompany the earthling in his meeting with Zara. But it’s a brief encounter, because the kid is also tired from the trip and will have to face a complicated surgery tomorrow.”

  “Understood, your majesty. It will be a quick meeting. I myself will accompany him with Tibor.”


  Kenan and Tibor escorted Nicolas to the royal garden. Mirov, who followed them to the gate, but let them go when he saw Sivoc and his team at the palace entrance, observed them.

  Zara saw Nicolas coming in the alien form and got very happy, with a big smile, and tears came to her eyes. Nicolas ran and hugged her.

  “My dear, how I missed you!” Exclaimed the doctor.

  “Zara, I was desperate to see you. What about our son?”

  “It’s a daughter. We can’t mention this because it’s our secret and it can be dangerous.”

  “I hope she’s beautiful and smart like her mother.”

  “You’re very gentle.” Zara said smiling. “Everything’s alright with me and her, but from now we won’t talk about this anymore. Mirov has spies everywhere. We need to be discreet.”

  “Please, this meeting has to be brief.” Kenan interrupted. “The boy needs to rest for the surgery tomorrow. Tibor, you are now in charge of his safety. I’ll leave now and let you talk freely.”

  “Thank you for the opportunity, Counselor.” Zara said while Kenan was already leaving.

  “We’ll be together after my surgery and we have a lot to talk about.” Nicolas said. “Once we save the princess, I’d like you to come with me to Earth. We can’t change the fact that either here or over there, there will be a transformation of our destinies or maybe is our destiny to go through this transformation.”

  “I’ll go with you wherever you want. The sensation of losing you I had after Merko took you. I felt I must stay at your side. But it must stay between us. It is against our rules to become involved with people from the past and not change the history. But we can’t think about it now, because some of us can read minds, even without authorization. Let’s wait for right time to think about it.” Zara said.

  “It will be difficult, but I will try, and our daughter will be born on the planet Earth with us.” Nicolas replied, smiling.

  Sivoc and Drako just waved to Nicolas.

  “Drako, monitor all the communications from the palace, the Council and also from the scientific building. Do everything with secrecy. The king has already given permission for us to have the control of Nicolas’ security. Many lives depend on it. If there is any plan to undermine the success of the surgery, we have to figure out and fast, because soon they will begin the bone marrow transplant that will give the princess the blood cells to cure her. Tibor will be next to the earthling all the time to guarantee his safety.

  “All right, Commander.”


  The Alpha-Omega team of the U.S. government began to investigate the events that took place at gym.

  Many witnesses reported how the fights happened and the use of paralyzing guns caught the attention of everyone who was there. The research team of extraterrestrial cases quickly went to the place. Agent Netil and agent Soliver were investigating the surroundings in New York. There was no doubt that those technologies of paralyzing rays were not from Earth. The chief of the team himself, Mr. Ronald Steighen, decided to personally go to the place in search for alien remains. The event coincided with the use of antigravity in the prison of the Central Park’s gang.

  Some activity in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico was noticed by radar, but they found no traces of aliens in the region. The agents of the Alpha-Omega did everything but didn’t manage to find any alien or concrete proof of their visit.


  Journalist Andrew Thomas also attended the place and was prevented from taking pictures or interviewing people involved in the case. The press was prohibited from approaching, because they argued that the case was of national security nature. Andrew reported the fact to his boss, who told him:

  “There’s something very strange to prevent the work of the press. They said that people were motionless as statues and sophisticated weapons, that didn’t seem to be from our planet. How I wish I could find out the truth about these facts! Andrew, stay tuned for any chance to get information about this case. Don’t forget to investigate the levitation of the Central Park’s gang too. I’m foreseeing a connection between the two cases. It seems the end of a rope that, if pulled, it’ll bring us a great gift.”

  “Mr. Dither, I will do everything possible to investigate the facts and bring you good news.”


  In Mirov’s room, the counselor approached his assistant and said:

  “Radof, everything is set for the operation. Do your part as agreed. Enter the operating room and replace the marrow for the other I sent you. If needed, take someone else with you.”

  “Yes, sir. Merko is responsible for the security of the building where the surgery is being done. Since he’s subordinate to you, I believe that there will be problems.”

  Little did they know that their evil plan had been registered by the robot-bird placed by Drako to fly throughout Counselor Mirov’s room.

  – XVII. The Surgery –

  The big day arrived, and Nicolas was been carefully prepared for surgery. The best surgeons were chosen for the operation.

  The anesthesiologist put the mask over the nostrils of the earthling and he fell asleep while the anesthetic liquor was applied in one of the veins in his left arm. Then, he slept deeply and his life was placed in the hands of the best surgeons of the planet Vida.

  A red light lit on Merko’s sunglasses. He put them on, and a holographic image was projected in front of him. Mirov got in touch, ordering him to watch over the earthling, so that the whole plan could work with perfection.

  Drako intercepted the communication and immediately communicated Sivoc, who oriented Tibor to protect Nicolas.

  “Tibor, don’t stop watching the earthling. Don’t allow the entrance of anyone, and if Merko try anything, you have orders to disintegrate him. During yesterday’s dinner, we put a nano-robot with a super load of nano-explosives in commander Merko’s food. At this point, it must have adhered to the lining of his intestines, where it will remain for thirty- six hours before being expelled. Just push the booster pen that’s in your pocket and he’ll blow up.


  Already outside the operating room, Tibor looked at the laser pen, which was placed on his blouse and adjusted it carefully.

  “I’m sorry for what happened.” Said Merko approaching. “You know that I have to fulfill my missions and, for that, I’m capable of doing whatever it takes.”

  “Who knows? Maybe we’ll have a rematch...” Tibor said. “We need to protect the earthling, and this is our priority. My duty is to serve the king Zador II and I’ll do whatever it takes to help Princess Isadora.”

  “I have nothing against you, Tibor. On the contrary, I admire you for your loyalty and dedication. Let’s work together; I also yearn to serve my king
.” Merko said.

  “Merko” Counselor Mirov said telepathically, communicating with the soldier “My servant will go to the operating room, under my orders, to see the boy. I want to make sure that the whole process will happen with no problems. Please offer protection and security to him.”

  “Tibor, another communication was made. Mirov sent his servant, Radof. He asked the help of Merko. Don’t let anyone enter the operating room. It’s an express order.” Drako said, communicating telepathically.

  It seemed that the rematch was imminent. While Merko and Tibor watched the surgery through a glass wall, apparently, everything was fine. The surgeons and nurses worked with perfection.

  Merko and Tibor watched and observed in the holographic screen in front of them, which showed the blood characteristics, blood pressure, the DNA of the defense cells of Nicolas and all his vital data.

  So, Merko looked at holography and stared at the DNA of the earthling’s white blood cells.

  “That’s weird... the purine and pyrimidine bases of the chromosome string of the white blood cells follow the same sequences than mine. It can’t be.” Merko said to himself.

  Merko knew his DNA’s strand because it was what he liked to study at the Military College: his own DNA sequence of his defense cells.

  “But this could only be possible if he was my son.” He thought again.

  He remembered Lorena, the night of love he had when he took the place of the major he killed. The age of the earthling coincided with the time of his visit on Earth.

  “This is my son! Now I understand why his form looks so much like my manners. I let him grow up without a father, abandoned his mother and yet he became a good human being.” Reflected Merko.

  Tibor realized that Merko was too agitated and decided to talk to him:

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m sure this earthling is my son.” He said.

  “How can it be?” Tibor replied. “You must be joking.”

  But Tibor knew that Merko was a serious soldier, of few words, and didn’t used to make jokes.

  “It’s a long story. I executed a mission on Earth twenty-three years ago, before this earthling was born. I became involved with a woman in the same country where Nicolas lives and now I see the DNA of his defense cells in the holography, it’s very similar to mine. In the mission, I took the place of his father, a major in the U.S. Army, and I ended up having a relationship with his mother. Please, Tibor, that was my secret, you know we can’t relate to people from the past. This could ruin my career.”

  “There’s no doubt, he is your son. The DNA doesn’t lie.” Said a surprised Tibor. “You’re the first person I know who decorated its DNA sequence. About keeping secrets, don’t worry, that’s what I do best.”

  “It was my hobby in college, decorating the DNA sequence of my white blood cells. Although it’s rare, I have holographic memory. Thanks for keeping my secret. I still need to think about what I will do about it.”

  “I think we have a problem here, Merko. Drako informed me that Mirov ordered his servant to enter the room and swapped Nicolas’ marrow by another one that won’t save the princess.” Tibor said alarmed.

  Since Merko had trusted him to tell an important secret, he thought he could rely on the integrity of the commander to make him understand Mirov’s dark purposes. “Please, let’s work together and protect him. I ask for your help, Merko, because now it’s the safety of your son and the Princess Isadora. Let’s forget the past. The reason now is far more relevant to all of us and we are on the same side.”

  “I always dreamed of having a son. Now I understand how good is the feeling of being a father and the reason why this boy have such good defense, bearing the lymphocytes X. Probably it was the result of the miscegenation between the man of the past with the man of the future, combining their genetic.” Reflected Merko. “I can’t let the son I had just conquered take any risk.”

  “We have reasons to believe that Counselor Mirov doesn’t want the princess to be saved. That’s why we are monitoring the communications in the royal palace with the authorization of the monarch. We can’t allow the entrance of anyone. I was sent to protect the earthling.” Tibor said.

  Merko shook hands with Tibor and smiling, he said:

  “We’re on the same side. Consider me your friend. We’ll keep my son safe and ensure that the princess will receive what she needs to be healed.”


  In the operating room, Nicolas was quite sedated, and the operation was happening normally. The surgeons removed the bone marrow of the earthling and began the suture’s maneuvers. Meanwhile, other surgeons anesthetized princess Isadora, who was now sleeping deeply.

  “I received the order to prepare the sedation of the princess, because the earthling surgery is ending, and the material will be brought soon. We can start the first incisions and then move forward to the operation.” Said the surgeon chief.

  The doctors looked at the monitors positioned in haplographies and all the vital signs of the girl were in order. In the operating room of the earthling, the surgeons have completed the last suture, and the material removed from Nicolas was ready to be transported to the room where Isadora was. It was carefully placed in a container.

  The most delicate part of Nicolas’ operation had ended, but Isadora’s was just beginning.


  One of the surgeons took the material and waited to confirm the identity of who would carry it. He expected the final order of the surgeon chief, which chose the nurse and, for security reasons, he would summon him as soon as the patient was surgically prepared for transplantation.

  Mirov searched for information about the nurse. One of his spies identified who would collect the material, and Radof, after obtaining them, went to the nursing room and called him to warn that it was time to collect the material of the surgery and carry it to the room of the receiving patient.

  While the nurse walked down the hospital corridor, Radof stealthily approached as if he were escorting him and suddenly pushed him into a room. He disintegrated him with a laser, and, collecting his saliva, transmuted himself into the young man.

  Radof walked into the operating room taking the false marrow in a sealed container, equal to the one that would carry Nicolas’ lymphocytes. The next step would be to replace the material surgically removed from the earthling, when it was being transported to the room, in a hallway near there, where the princess’ surgery was being performed. He just had to exchange the containers and sabotage the mission.

  So he arrived in the operating room to sneak in and perform the malicious exchange. Mirov’s plan would be completed and his boss would be pleased.

  “Nobody gets in here, only doctors.” With a gruff voice, Merko prevented Radof from entering.

  “What? I’m the nurse that will collect the material to take it to the room where the princess is.”

  “I can’t allow that anyone enters before checking the information. Our priority is the safety of Princess Isadora and our visitor.” Merko replied. “I have orders not to let anyone enter.”

  Merko personally sought information about the nurse who would take the material and noted that the young man was the person that the holographic image of the hospital’s computer reported.

  “The information match, you can enter.”

  “Please, Tibor, accompany the material until the surgery and don’t take your eyes off him. I’d like that you and Crom also watch the princess’ surgery. It’s our duty to protect the daughter of our king. I’ll be here watching Nicolas.”

  Radof, after collecting Nicolas’ bone marrow, walked, holding a briefcase in his hand, which had the two containers. His intention was to discharge the material at the first opportunity he could find, however, Tibor and Crom were escorting him attention. Suddenly, Drako contacted Tibor:

  “One of Mirov’s assistants, Radof, left the council chamber some time ago, went to the operating room and I didn’t see him on palace’s camera no
r in the hospital’s. I have a single record of him passing through the corridors of the nursing’s sector. Did you find him?”

  “There’s no sign of him so far.”

  “Stay tuned, Tibor, because he’s close. I heard his conversation with Counselor Mirov, planning to do some harm to the princess.”

  “Leave it with me; I’m personally watching all the details of the transportation of the material for the princess’ surgery.”

  Radof heard the conversation and, startled, was already preparing himself to shoot Tibor with his laser gun. But until they didn’t discover his transmutation, he could proceed with the plan.

  Tibor decided to warn Merko, and he said:

  “I imagine he may have transmuted into any employee of the hospital. Do you have infrared glasses of recognition?”

  “Yes, Commander Merko. I never get out without my equipment.”

  “So put them, I will do the same.”

  Tibor immediately put on his glasses and looked at Radof, whom already had a laser pointed at him and Crom.

  “Don’t speak any word or you will be disintegrated. Keep walking calmly as if nothing had happened. I want you to leave me at the entrance of the surgery room where the princess is.”

  “We need to create a plan to neutralize him without damaging the donor’s material.” He communicated telepathically with Crom.

  “Be calm, we’ll think of some way out.”

  Before they could think of anything else, Merko materialized behind Radof and hit his neck, taking the laser gun and leaving him passed out.

  “Get the donated material carefully. I received a strange communication from Counselor Mirov about his assistant saying he would come to the operating room, asking me to protect him. But he was taking too long to appear. In addition, the surgeon who operated Nicolas told me he hadn’t called the nurse yet and asked me if I was the one who had called him. And the material was already going into the other room; I imagined that there would be the crime scene and I now see that I was right.”