The Children of Time (The Children of Time Trilogy Book 1) Read online

Page 11

  Drako began to unfreeze, regaining his consciousness, coughing. Wet, he rose scared.

  “What happened? Little Wolf... You... What a good dog! Thank you. Let’s unfreeze the others.”

  Drako began to release the other and soon they were all ready and gathered to plan a way to save Nicolas. Sivoc ordered Drako:

  “Go to the engineering room and connect all the ship’s systems. We need to prepare our departure immediately. The portal is now open, and we need to take advantage to travel as soon as possible. Congratulations, Drako, for the brilliant idea to program Little Wolf to release us. Our chances of saving the Nicolas and Princess Isadora increased due to this.”

  “Thanks to Little Wolf and Drako, we’ll have the opportunity to reach Merko’s ship. Tibor, let’s go to the infirmary. I need to take care of you.” Zara said.

  The ship Science II departed for the planet Vida and approached the orbit of the planet, Sivoc contacted the advisor Kenan.

  “Mr. Counselor, we’ve arrived to our planet.”

  “Is the earthling with you?” Asked Kenan.

  “No, sir. Merko’s team intercepted us and now Nicolas is under his custody.”

  “Certainly Mirov has a plan in mind for the earthling. We need to find out what it is.” Said the Counselor, concerned.


  In the king’s palace, they reported that the earthling had arrived, and he was very hopeful. Isadora was in his bed, and the king was watching her in her sleep. He thought how beautiful she was. She seemed to smile while sleeping and let out soft gasps during sleep.

  So, the king called Kenan and said:

  “Please, make a report of the situation. I want to know how the earthling is and when we begin the preparations for the surgery.”

  “Your majesty, I’ll bring all the answers as soon as possible.” Answered Kenan, who quickly searched for Mirov to ask him about the earthling.

  “How are you, Mirov? I’ve heard that Merko and his team arrived from the planet Earth.”

  “Yes, Kenan. Everything went as planned. Merko and his entire team are fine, and the earthling is healthy and ready for the surgery.” Mirov replied.

  “I don’t understand why you took the earthling from Sivoc’s custody. You could have gathered your forces and helped the scientific team to accomplish their purpose. It wasn’t necessary the use of force in this mission, and the team of Science II had the situation under control. Instead of this, you acted with pride and calculation, risking the success of the plan.” Kenan said, closing his fists.

  “You know how commander Merko likes to act in his missions. The important thing is that he always fulfills his orders.” Mirov replied.

  “What matters now is the possibility to save the princess. Let’s start the preparations as soon as possible. I’ll give the orders for the surgical team to be ready to start anytime.”

  Kenan knew Zara would bring the genetic information of the earthling in her womb and was prepared for any nasty plan of Mirov.


  The king remained in his palace, walking from one side to the other, anxious about the possibility, now concrete, to save his beloved daughter. Tonight he couldn’t sleep.

  He took advantage of the insomnia to look to what his people had built over generations. The royal palace was a good example of how much they had evolved since the time from where the boy was coming. Everything was planned as a system of sustainable environment just like all the houses and apartments of the planet Vida. They used the maximum possible of glassy materials in its construction, with cells for absorption of solar energy. Miniature nuclear reactors for each housing unit ensured the necessary energy. All the water used on the entire planet was recycled. The integrity of this green technology was deployed all over the planet and not just in the palace. But the royal house had some perks too.

  The palace was the most luxurious place on planet Vida. It was a castle with three floors, big enough to house three thousand people. Even in the future, the monarchy favored the royal family. The main room had about a thousand square meters; it was gleaming and had many crystals. It was flanked by entries of corridors, which leaded to thirteen bedrooms, all prepared with luxury and comfort for guests and the royal family.

  The presence of gardens, trees, lakes and fountains provided the beauty to the outside part of the beautiful place. From the balcony of his room, the biggest in the palace, the king had a privileged view of a garden, which vegetation marveled those who could observe it. The front garden of the palace also had a large fountain around it, from which the big ships of visitors arrived to the palace.

  On the sky, the king observed the ships that worked with clean energy: they used cells of nuclear reactors of hydrogen that powered the entire fleet.

  Again the thoughts of the monarch turned to improvements experienced by his people. There was almost no private transport, to avoid the excess of traffic, what made the traffic jams almost nonexistent. All the green area of the planet was preserved, with reforestation and management of existing forests whenever necessary. However, this didn’t occur very often, because the use of paper was avoided to the maximum, the inhabitants of the planet used digital images and documents almost exclusively.

  The security for the inhabitants of the planet was also quite effective. Police used paralyzing rays, and the prisons weren’t overcrowded, they functioned as centers of rehabilitation and work with for those few who were sent there. Only soldiers used weapons, and, even then, such use was not so frequent.

  Education, health and safety had improved much in comparison to the past. In contrast, the psychological problems of the future human beings had increased, maybe because the society was more open and prone to treatments and because of some prejudice in the past. They evolved a lot until they accept to talk about their mental problems without fear. This was one of the major problems of this society. Fortunately, the health system was very good and could treat all the cases of psychological problems of the planet’s inhabitants.

  The king sighed hopeful. The planet Vida was progressing in a way that made him proud. He knew he was a good monarch and was doing everything in his power to make the lives of his servants easier and enjoyable. Besides, he also guaranteed, with the help of his advisers that all measures of ecological prevention were taken in order to keep the environment in which they lived healthy. And he always reinforced it with awareness programs the importance of the environmental preservation with those who lived in Vida. Now, the only problem for which they still hadn’t found any solution would be solved. His beloved daughter would be healed and he could live in peace.

  He couldn’t wait to see the result of the surgery.

  – XVI. In King Zador’s Palace –

  Nicolas was in a room in the building of the advisors, beside the royal palace, when Mirov and Kenan came to meet him. He kept his alien form not to contradict Merko. The boy was anxious to leave his condition of prisoner.

  The counselors entered his room, which was watched by two security guards.

  “So, earthling, how was the trip?” Kenan asked to break the ice.

  “Sivoc’s team treated me with great respect and education. Merko brutally fought with us and imprisoned me in his ship. I think you should look for Zara and the others, they may be in trouble or in danger.” Nicolas did not trust anyone at this point, based on Merko’s actions he felt he could be among enemies.

  “We brought him here in order to save our princess with his defense cells, as you should already know.” Kenan said to the counselor.

  “Zara explained everything to me and I promptly accepted to do everything I can to help. However, now I’m full of doubts about the true purpose of my visit to this planet.”

  “Wanting or not you have no other option than to help us. “ Mirov declared.

  “Please, Mirov, this is not how we do things here.” Kenan wanted to calm the earthling down and show that the inhabitants of Vida were good hosts and never wanted to harm him. “The kid
must be comfortable, and stress wouldn’t help to keep his cellular defenses healthy. The king would never approve to force the earthling against his will.”

  “Kenan, you don’t need to give me moral lessons. I just want to finish what we started and save the princess.” Mirov replied with a silly look.

  “I hope you have in mind that I am also a human being and I have the right to express my will.” The boy interrupted, annoyed with the discussion, which seemed to exclude him, and afraid about what they could do with him. “I intend, however, to help healing the princess.”

  “There’s no need to rush, all the preparations are being made for everything to happen as perfectly as possible.” Mirov said, staring into Nicolas’ eyes.

  “We’re not being educated, we forgot to introduce ourselves. I’m Kenan, and this one beside me and is Mirov.” Kenan said, showing the counselor at his side. “We are the king Zador II’s counselors, who would like to meet you too. It is a pleasure to welcome you on our planet.”

  “It will be my pleasure to help your princess. I just want to be treated like the human being I am, with respect and dignity.” Said Nicolas, feeling a little angered by the treatment he had been receiving since Merko’s team captured him.

  “I apologize and ask for your comprehension because of the situation we’re going through. We are all concerned about the life of our princess, which is hanging by a thread. You are the one who can save her, our last hope.” Explained Kenan while Mirov just frowning, watching the conversation. “You are a guest here on our planet, so you can consider yourself as a free human being. We’ll be more careful now to show our true hospitality. We’re a very welcoming people, and you’ll be very well treated here in Vida. I only ask you not to leave the royal palace, because we need to protect you and keep you healthy for the surgery. I believe you want to meet the members of the Science II again.”

  “But how...?” Mirov interrupted. “Where are they? I thought they were still on planet Earth.”

  “They had just arrived safe and sound here on the planet.” Kenan looked at Nicolas with a smile and then turned to face his partner on the royal council. “Why did you get so surprised, Mirov? Would there be any reason for them not being here?”

  Mirov was speechless and just nodded with his head negatively. He was furious for being insulted in front of the earthling and to know that Science II was back to the planet. He needed to do whatever was possible to follow through with his original plan and get the throne.

  Nicolas was thrilled with the possibility to see Zara, and relieved that his friends from Science II were well and safe on the same planet as him. After being trapped by the commander Merko, he thought he would never see the woman who was now the reason of his existence, or any of his new friends. He was anxiously waiting for this moment.


  Then, Kenan, Mirov and Nicolas went to the royal palace along with the security guards.

  They were greeted by a royal reception and Nicolas noticed that the king and his daughter were waiting to meet him. Zador II was short and wore a golden robe that covered his slender back. His chin seemed more tapered than the other of the inhabitants of Vida. He wore no crown. As a symbol of his power he held a golden bat in his hands. His face was grayish-white and his glace seemed tired, due to his daughter health problems.

  The girl was even thinner, but very beautiful. She was lying in a bed beside her father’s seat and stood up as soon as the visitor came close. Nicolas could see she was a very frail girl with curious blue eyes that showed her will to live, but were flanked by heavy dark circles which revealed the terrible disease the girl was struggling. On the next week would be her birthday, and the best present was the recovery of her health.

  “Hello, Nicolas, nice to meet you. I’m Princess Isadora. I hope you’re enjoying our planet and that you’re being well treated here.

  “Nice to meet you, Nicolas. I’m the king Zador II, ruler of the planet Vida that hosts you now. My dear young man, excuse us for bringing you for the future like this, but we really need your help. I’ve heard that Merko escorted you, and he, sometimes, overreact in his attitudes.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, your Royal Highness, Princess.” Nicolas took a little bow to the girls, who immediately lie down on her bed again. She looked extremely fragile.

  He turned to the king and took a slightly longer bow.

  “It’s a pleasure to be in your presence, your majesty. The staff of Sivoc, who found me on Earth first, treated me very well. They explained the situation of the princess and my greatest desire is to help in every way possible. That’s what I told them when they asked me about my will. However, since Merko captured me, I lost my freedom, which is so dear to me, and I’ve been treated as a prisoner, which displeases me a lot. I believe the best for Merko and his team would be to collaborate with Sivoc, I’d have come to planet Vida very willingly to help your daughter. I just wish to be free at this time. I have no reason to run away. Besides, I don’t know how to return to the past, or to my galaxy.”

  “My daughter and I would like you to have dinner with us tonight. It would be a pleasure to welcome you in the palace, Nicolas. You’re free here in this planet and we’ll only protect you to maintain your integrity and ensure the success of the mission.” Said the king. “I don’t want you to think you’re a prisoner and I apologize for any oversight of our search teams. The eagerness to bring the solution to the princess’ problem may have hindered the way they treated you.

  “Apologies accepted your majesty. It will be a pleasure to dine at your company.”


  In the scientific building, which stood near the royal palace, Sivoc, Zara, Drako and Tibor were gathered to decide what to do.

  “Sivoc, what do you think it will happen now with Nicolas?” Asked Zara.

  “I don’t know, but judging by how Merko took him from us on Earth, anything can happen. On the other hand, I think Merko wanted to bring him safety to the planet Vida and fulfill the mission for which he was assigned. The greatest danger lies in the intentions of director Mirov. This man is unpredictable.”

  “And what can we do to help you?” Asked the doctor.

  “We have to be aware of this surgery and try to protect the earthling.” Said the commander. “Let’s go, Tibor. You, Drako, Zara and me will talk to the king and explain everything that happened. Counselor Kenan will certainly hear us.”


  They went to the royal palace, but were prevented from entering by the officers who were guarding the entrance.

  “You can’t enter the palace. These are Counselor Mirov’s orders.”

  Sivoc was stunned, because he always had free access to the palace. Telepathically he called Counselor Kenan and they stood waiting for him.”

  “Please, release the entry for these people. Sivoc and his team work with me.” Kenan arrived breathless, rushing to help his teammates. “The King is very satisfied and hopeful with Merko’s mission. What happened there? How did they manage to get the earthling from you?”

  “Mr. Counselor, Merko and his soldiers attacked us and took the earthling by force from our custody.” Told Sivoc. “He even killed some people in Earth, almost altering the course of history and disregarding the ethical rules of time travel. It seems strange to me that Counselor Mirov is giving orders preventing our entry into the palace. It was the first time this has happened since we began to work for the government.”

  “Very quirky and dangerous this attitude of Merko, but what makes me worried now is Mirov’s attitude. What is he planning? I don’t understand why he used so much force to perform this mission. When I heard that he took the earthling from your team, I questioned Counselor Mirov about his methods.” Kenan said. “I believe you’d be able to perfectly finish this mission without Merko’s intervention. I also don’t understand why Mirov doesn’t want you near the palace. I’ve already been suspicious of his attitudes for some time, so I asked Zara to prepare an alternative plan. But
we’d better not talk about this for now. It’s our secret. I’ll take the case to the king, as soon as we finish the surgical process and we finally have the solution for the princess’ problem.”

  “We have to keep an eye on Counselor Mirov.” Sivoc said. “I fear that his intentions aren’t good and that Nicolas is in danger. We can put one of our men to protect the earthling with those who are already there to maintain his integrity and ensure the success of the mission.”

  “Okay, good idea, Sivoc. Who do you suggest, commandant?”

  “Tibor, with no doubt. He recovered from the fights against the crew and is already prepared to return to work. I trust him completely.”

  “Please, use the intelligence and avoid the use of force.” Replied the counselor. “Does anyone of you want to see Nicolas? I knew you became good friends. Of course Zara has one more reason, because she bears a fruit of his life inside her. Don’t comment about the child, not even telepathically. That would be very dangerous for everyone.”

  “Of course, sir.” Zara said. “None of us will mention the subject from now on, and we’ll be very discreet. I really wish to see Nicolas.”

  “To avoid problems, I think it would be better if only Zara saw him for a while. She will take the news that everyone is fine, and after the surgery the others will be able to see him too.”

  Zara looked at her friends, who nodded in agreement. Everyone knew that there was a bigger involvement between him and her, so, the first one to see him should be her.

  “I’ll be waiting in the garden in front of the palace.” Said the doctor.